Anglais LV1 (Liban) - Bac S-ES 2011

Filières du bac : S - ES
Epreuve : Anglais LV1
Niveau d'études : Terminale
Année : 2011
Session : Normale
Centre d'examen : Liban
Durée de l'épreuve : 3 heures
Calculatrice : Interdite

Extrait de l'annale :
"New York!" said her brother and father, practically simultaneously. What would you want to go there for ? Lovely shopping, said Sophie, giving them the answer they expected, knowing they would be disappointed if she said anything else. How on earth could you finance a trip to New York? asked Michael, checking his plate against everyone else's to make sure he'd got enough. I've saved up, said Sophie, and I'll be working when I get there. Can't do that without a green car, said her father, pointing out the obvious as usual.
Katie Fforde, A Perfect Proposal, 2010.

Dix questions de compréhension écrite à traiter obligatoirement. Concernant la partie expression, il faut choisir l'un des deux sujets proposés et faire une rédaction de 300 mots environs.

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Code repère : 11LV1SEANGELI1

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