Anglais LV2 (Polynésie) - Bac STG-STI2D 2013

Filières du bac : STG - STI2D
Epreuve : Anglais LV2
Niveau d'études : Terminale
Année : 2013
Session : Normale
Centre d'examen : Polynésie
Durée de l'épreuve : 2 heures
Calculatrice : Interdite

Extrait de l'annale :
Document 1 :
My first experiences of disability sport were pretty confusing, not to mention painful and slightly humiliating. I lost my sight very suddenly aged 13 in 1984 and, before I could blink, or think, I was whisked away to a "special" boarding school for blind children in Worcester—200 miles away from my home. Damon Rose, Paralympics : The perils of being a blind athlete, BBC News, 7 September 2012.

Document 2 :
London 2012: How the world saw the Paralympics. As the final day of the Paralympic Games unfolded across London, media commentators from around the world have reflected on its achievements. BBC News, 10 September 2012.

Huit questions de compréhension écrite et deux sujets d'expression écrite à traiter obligatoirement. Les rédactions feront 80 et 120 mots.

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