Anglais LV2 (Métropole France remplacement) - Bac STMG-STI2D-ST2S 2014

Filières du bac : STMG - STI2D - ST2S
Epreuve : Anglais LV2
Niveau d'études : Terminale
Année : 2014
Session : Remplacement
Centre d'examen : Métropole France
Durée de l'épreuve : 2 heures
Calculatrice : Interdite

Extrait de l'annale :
Document 1 :
She had been a very clever girl whose essays were always read aloud in class, and she was told by her teachers that with hard study and a grant she might even get to university. Sue Townsend, The Woman Who Went to Bed for a Year, 2012.

Document 2 :
Writing tips, advice to young writers. Fantasy author Sarah J Maas published her first novel online at the age of just 16. She has since gained a big online fanbase, and this year published her first novel in print - Throne of Glass. From

Dix questions de compréhension écrite et un sujet d'expression écrite à choisir parmi deux propositions pour une rédaction de 150 mots minimum.

Télécharger les PDF :

Sujet officiel complet
(275 ko)
Code repère : 14ANTEV2ME3

Corrigé officiel complet
(190 ko)
Code repère : 14ANTEV2ME3C

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