E3C LVA et LVB Anglais (N°03796) - Première T3 2021-2020

Epreuve E3C : Langues vivantes A et B - Anglais
Voie : Bac général et techno
Niveau d'études : Classe de première
Session : Première 3ème trimestre E3C2
Années : 2021-2020
Durée de l'épreuve : 1 heure 30
Calculatrice : Interdite
Numéro du sujet : 03796

Axe du programme :
- Identités et échanges

Extrait de l'annale :
Texte :
Teenagers representing indigenous designers through their prom dresses go viral – the tweet has been liked more than 13,600 times. Spring has sprung, which means prom season has officially begun. A seminal moment for American teenagers, the annual high school dance is a tradition marked by celebratory and sartorial splendour,
Olivia Petter, The Independent, April 24, 2018, independent.co.uk.

Compréhension de l'écrit :
Give an account of the text in English, taking into consideration the central topic of the article, how identities are represented, the role of exchanges and the impact of the repetitive use of quotations on the reader.

Expression écrite :
A) After participating as an American student in the prom dance where a girl was proudly wearing a Native dress, you write an entry in your diary relating the evening and your reaction to what she chose to wear.
B) What do you think of the impact of social networks on the way people talk about themselves?

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Sujet officiel complet
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Code repère : C1CANGL03796