E3C LVA et LVB Anglais (N°03938) - Première T3 2021-2020

Epreuve E3C : Langues vivantes A et B - Anglais
Voie : Bac général et techno
Niveau d'études : Classe de première
Session : Première 3ème trimestre E3C2
Années : 2021-2020
Durée de l'épreuve : 1 heure 30
Calculatrice : Interdite
Numéro du sujet : 03938

Axe du programme :
- Innovations scientifiques et responsabilité

Extrait de l'annale :
Text 1 :
Bionic legs have Amanda Boxtel walking again. Science is about facts, numbers, laws and formulas.
Moira E. McLaughlin, The Washington Post, April 22, 2014.

Text 2 :
Exoskeleton that allows humans to work and play for longer. Would you put on an exoskeleton that meant you could run for an entire day without getting tired?
Jane Wakefield, bbc.com, July 8, 2018.

Compréhension de l'écrit :
Give an account, in English and in your own words, of text 1 and then of text 2. After your accounts of texts 1 and 2, explain how these documents illustrate the theme "Scientific innovations and responsibility".

Expression écrite :
A) You participate in a science competition: "Science for a better future". Participants must create a scientific object that will improve people's lives. Write a speech to present your idea of the perfect object to the jury.
B) Discuss the following question: is scientific progress always beneficial for humans?

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Code repère : C1CANGL03938