E3C LVA et LVB Anglais (N°03974) - Première T3 2021-2020

Epreuve E3C : Langues vivantes A et B - Anglais
Voie : Bac général et techno
Niveau d'études : Classe de première
Session : Première 3ème trimestre E3C2
Années : 2021-2020
Durée de l'épreuve : 1 heure 30
Calculatrice : Interdite
Numéro du sujet : 03974

Axe du programme :
- Territoire et mémoire

Extrait de l'annale :
Texte :
Chapter One – My Marion. I was an adult before I ever saw the picture. But even as a girl, I knew there'd been a lynching in Marion, Indiana. That was my father's hometown.
Cynthia CARR, Our Town: A Heartland Lynching, A Haunted Town and the Hidden History of White America, 2006.

Compréhension de l'écrit :
Give an account of the text in English, taking into consideration the nature of the document, the historical events referred to, the people involved and how the writer investigates their actions.

Expression écrite :
A) Try and imagine why the author is happy not to have found her grandfather on the photo.
B) In an online discussion thread, you have read three different reactions from people who have just read Our Town by Cynthia CARR. Which one do you agree most with? Why?

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Sujet officiel complet
(313 ko)
Code repère : C1CANGL03974